Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Simply Amused

Today I was walking to another building across the street for a meeting. As I got closer the garbage truck came to collect the garbage. As I walked I watched as the garbage truck picked up the big dumpster and dump it into the top of it. The dumpster was put back on the ground and the garbage truck headed to it's next destination. While I was watching I thought how cool it is, even as an adult, to watch something as simple as the garbage truck dump the garbage by lifting it with a mechanical arm and dump away. I then thought of the times I've been home on Friday, our local garbage day, when the garbage truck is headed down my street. My kids eyes seem to light up and they run to the window because it is cool to watch. It's the same type of thing as seeing a Fire Truck or a "digging machine", as Jarik calls it. Kids love it and I myself think it is pretty cool to watch that kind of stuff. It's funny what simple things can do to amuse ones self.

Ok, so after I posted yesterday, before my wife had a chance to read it, she said the same thing about missing the song of the day. I'm glad that it is something that a couple of people enjoy. Today I've only listened to 3 songs or maybe 4, but I think I know what song I'm going to use for the Song of the Day. If you know me, you know that I'm a pretty big fan of DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince and Will Smith(a.k.a. Fresh Prince). So today's song comes from the He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper album, which has what I'd call classics, such as Nightmare on My Street and Parents Just Don't Understand. The song is called Here We Go Again. I like this song because it has a nice beat behind it and it just says we have a good thing going, let's keep it going. It has a nice trumpet diddy in there, probably synthizied, that is pertty cool. Have a Nice Day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm the same way. I think its fun to watch machines. Even stuff I understand can completely consume my attention.

Anyway, good song of the day. I have the DJ Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince Greatest hits but that song isn't on that one so I'll listen to another of the ones you listed as a substitute.