Monday, May 01, 2006

Immigration Reform

Not sure that many who read this know my stance on immigration unless you have read my blog on Thoughts from the Clan. As many of you might know, there was a boycott today called the Great American Boycott where all illegal immigrants were to not go to work, not buy anything, and, in some areas, march together in legislation against immigration reform. Some of the reform would make it a felony to be an immigrant or to support and help illegal immigrants.

What is not really talked about or highlighted as much is that it would give the current illegal immigrants an opportunity to become full fledged US citizens through a work program where they work, pay their bills, pay taxes, etc. and they will earn the right to be citizens. Easy enough, right? Well, focus is placed on the punishment portion but not the opportunity portion which is why there are problems.

So, today's boycott is highlighted in the article from Reuters. I agree that this only hurts their cause. It is like an ultimatum that states "We are here illegally on welfare, getting healthcare at a cost to the American people that pay their bills but we demand free rights... Anyone else feel the slap in the face?

Here is my take. If you want to come to this country to make a better living for you and your family and you are willing to bust your butt to do it, come one over. If you are here to live off the American citizen because you feel that they "stole" your land, get the heck out and don't let the door hit you on the way out. (Language edited strong language). No offense, but at last count, you lost that war. That's like saying, "Hey, we lost the football game but we are taking the trophy because we are certain it belongs to us." We do not owe you ANYTHING!!! This country doesn't belong to you because you LOST!!!! Next time, fight harder. Otherwise, that's life.

History is full of violence. Lands/people/things being plundered/stolen/taken/destroyed from others. This concept is called the "spoils of war." Get used to the concept. I read in the article that someone said that the only natives to this land are the indians? Come again? The immigrated from somewhere. JUST because they didn't keep track of it doesn't mean that they have been here forever. I'm pretty sure of that. No matter what you believe whether it be biblical or evolutionary, the origins of humans is from the Middle East/Africa area. So, at some point, "Native Americans" or "indians" were once immigrants as well.

So, the next question, that I brought up in Thoughts from the Clan was this.... How long (how many generations) have to pass before you are a "native" I don't think I've been to any other country and as far as I know, I've ALWAYS lived in the US. With the exception of about 1-1/2 years (not consecutive) I have lived in Utah. Therefore, I'm pretty sure that if you told me to go "home", it would be Utah. My ancestors may have come from Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Europe, where ever, but I'm from Utah. Not any of those other places.

Now that I've ranted for quite a while, I feel better. In support of Immigration Reform, go out and buy something. Even if its doing your grocery shopping earlier than usual. Not that you have to spend anymore than you would anyway, just make it today in opposition to those that would take your hard tax dollars because they can't work hard and afford food, shelter, and healthcare.

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