Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Generic Title

There is so many things I wanted to blog about today that I couldn't pin a title to it.

First off, I got a new job. I will be working with the Privacy Office at the University here. Basically, I'm moving from one team in ITS to another. I'm even in the same building so it is nice. With that comes a certain level of wonder and excitement as well as a little bit of saddness. The team I am currently on rocks and we have a lot of fun, but I felt the need to move on. So I am excited and will start working with them once I get back from my time off when the baby comes. It will be fun.

Second, the BABY! When is the big question. I wish that calculating the due date was more of an exact science. This whole wondering when and all that stuff is for the birds. So we are due in a little more than two weeks, but it would be nice to know when exactly. Other than that, the baby is moving and streching all over the place, by the way Chels winces I'm guessing that it is very painful. I feel lucky to be a man and not have to go through that. Yep, I'm a wimp.

Third. My son and daughter are learning to ride their bikes without training wheels. Minus getting on the bike, Jarik has it down pretty good. It took all of about one push to get him up and going. Tiaree on the other hand is turning out more difficult. Reason, she's learned bad habits depending on the training wheels. She was finally getting it when it got too late and we had to go in. We'll work on it again today.

I have a movie review that I'll do a seperate post on. We went and saw Over the Hedge last Wednesday. It was good, but I'll give a little better review later.

Time for the Song of the Day! I know I missed last week, but that's because I decided to listen to a movie while I worked instead of listen to music. I listened to most of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, it was cool. And believe it or not, I got a lot accomplished. Today's Song of the Day is from Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. We just got the CD from BMG, one of the free ones. Anyway, the song is The Candy Man. Now, the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, with Johnny Depp, is awesome, but the old musical with Gene Wilder is awesome and the music is dang cool.

That's about it for today. I may get to the movie review, but in case I don't, don't hold your breath. Laters.

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