Saturday, February 19, 2005

11:50pm Saturday Night

OUCH! I burnt my finger on a stupid light bulb, I know here's your sign. I am actually waiting for the download of the weather like a dummy. It's a four minute video and I've waited bout 10 minutes already. Guess there is more important thing on the network. Anyway, I wanted to see what happend to this "Storm" that was supposed to roll in today. (I learned not to critizie too early, thanks Chels). It was a beautiful day here in the valley, temps in the 50's and hardly anything to complain about. Well not much else to do here tonight, I'm going to bed, I will have to attempt to watch the weather in morning, I love to watch weather men squirm. Espically since Mark Eubank was wearing the "White Coat" last night and tonight he probably had someone else come on and make up some excuse as to the way the jet stream split of the storm is a real slow mover. We'll see what happens tomorrow. Goodnight for now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Weatherman is the only profession where you can be right less than 50% of the time and still keep your job. How ironic that when we trust them, they are wrong. When we don't trust them, they are right.