Friday, February 04, 2005


I just made me a bowl of Pop Secret Homestyle popcorn, yummy. As I went in there I had to clean out the bowl that I dump the hot fresh popcorn in and the dish soap they have in the break room is Palmolive. I don't know why but the smell of it brings back memories of my childhood, which is weird, because I never did the dishes as a kid and we use Dawn Antibachterial at my house now. It's just weird. I just think it's funny how the sense of smell can be so powerful. Like fresh popped popcorn smells so good and it floats through the office that I can guarntee that because of the smell, there will be more popcorn made today. Besides it's Friday afternoon, I've been working on a new calendar tool for one of the apps that I manage and I need a snack. Pop-Pop-Pop, ummmmmm popcorn and DP.


Kaplin said...

Links to products? Dude, you've sold out.

Kaplin said...

Damn you. I just made popcorn.