Monday, February 21, 2005

Adults Behaving Baddly

As we begin yet another week, I am reminded of some things that have happened in the past, and will probably happen again in the future, where adults, grown people that should know better, behave as poorly as a spoiled, snot-nosed child. They throw temper tantrums, cause destruction in their ranting, and just become a general nuisance to others around them.

I am not talking about anyone that would read this nor am I going to bring up specifics because it could be a lengthy story but we ALL know those type of people. We have all seen the child that, when things don't go his/her way, they kick, scream, hold their breath till they turn blue, hit, kick, push, make messes, and cry until they get their way. For those of us lucky enough to have never witnessed this behavior or its aftermath from an adult, I hope you never have to experience it.

All you can do is hang your head, shaking it from left to right and wonder whether the term "GROW UP" has ever been told to them. How idiotic that there are actually people that do this and we wonder why we do not progress much beyond where we are at currently. Sure, we may have better technology, bigger and faster computers and cars. We may have all kinds of neat gadgets like palm pilots, video games, etc. We have yet done anything to help these poor souls grow up, accept responsibilities for their actions, or keep their personal emotions in check. When we can do that, we will truely begin to progress.

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