Thursday, February 17, 2005

I hate indecision

So, we were supposed to go to St. George this weekend with my family. I call my mom this morning to find out when we were leaving etc., and she says she's not sure if they are going any more. She doesn't know if she just wants to sit in the condo on Saturday since it's supposed to rain. And then my little sis is being a baby. I can say this here cause she will never read it, and for those of you who know her, Tracy, you will never tell her what I said so I'm ok. Her boyfriend is going to go to a concert in Vegas with some friends and was going to come and spend time in St. George with us and now he's not so she doesn't want to go. She'd rather sit at home and mope while he's gone. Poor Caitlin, Sam has friends and he's doing stuff with them and doesn't spend every second fawning over you. WHAAAAA!!! Get over it.

Well there, I said it and I feel better. Save us gas money if we don't go anyway.

Other than that, today is a pretty good day. I went by the house and it is all sheetrocked in. Pretty cool. You can actually tell what the rooms are going to be like now. It is so awesome. I got pictures but it's up to Tracy to make them available for all to see, so keep bugging him!!!

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