Friday, February 18, 2005

Time of Reflection

Monday marks my 7th year of marriage. What a wonderful thing to celebrate. As I look back over the past 7 years, I see a lot of good and bad times. I see some of the best times of my life. I see times of greatest anxiety in my entire life. I see joy, love, and hope. How wonderful these past 7 years have been and I can't help but to look forward to the wonderful things that will happen in the next year, next 5 years, and beyond.

Tonight we are going out to celebrate. We are not 100% certain on what we are going to do, but whatever it is, we will be together and that is the most important thing to me. To Alythea, who will probably not read this, know that I love you more today than I did yesterday but will love you tomorrow more than I do today.

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