Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Kids are funny...

Back before my sister-in-law moved in with her kids, I used to go into my son's room and let him know I was leaving. He wanted hugs and kisses before I left. Since my nephew stays in the same room, I haven't gone in because I didn't want to wake them both up.

On occasions, like this morning, Mason will wake up about the time I leave. If I know he's awake, I will give him hugs, tell him to be good, and say goodbye to him. There have been two times, this morning being one of them, where I had turned out the lights, walked out the door and was outside of the gate when I hear this call like an injured cat but it says "daaaaaddddd." I look over and with the lights out, I can see that the door is open but can't see the figure standing in the doorway but automatically know that it's Mason.

I go back to the house and get scolded because I don't wake him up to say bye anymore. So, I gave him a hug and told him I loved him and to go back to bed.

It always makes my days more enjoyable when stuff like that happens because then I realize why I get up so early to go to work.

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