Tuesday, March 29, 2005

What is Going to Go Wrong

So we went through the walk through yesterday and everything went pretty smoothly. The house looks great, we are closing tomorrow and should have the keys by Thursday or Friday at the latest. Then we move in on Saturday. Now I know it's a superstious faux pas to write about this, but everything with this house is going smoothly. So far we've hit only one snag and that's the fact that they told us it would be done in 90 days and it's now been over 100. Not a big deal, I know the house has been built very well so that's of little consiquence. In the back of my mind I keep thinking that something is going to go wrong and we are going to be hosed. Mind you, I'm knocking on wood as I write this. I'm so excited about moving, the house is getting packed up, thanks to my awesome wife, things are getting cleaned and we are just getting that itch that we need to move. I keep telling myself Saturday, you'll move-in on Saturday. Well if something is going to happen, hopefully no one is injured and my house is still my house.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You all will look back on this and laugh. Unless something really does happen, then you might cry.... Nevermind. Forget I said anything.