Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Time, too

Well I read B's post today and I started to think about what he said. So instead of commenting on his post, I thought I'd post one called "Time" as well. Time is one of those things that there isn't enough time for the fun stuff anymore. I remember as a kid, that once I was home from school or work, the time was mine to hang with my friends, go play basketball, or find a video game that would keep me company. Now, of course, I don't always have those luxuries. Don't get me wrong, I played games last night, but that was because I didn't do anything around the house, sorry hunneee. Time is something I will soon really run out of with this new house. Putting in the yard, planning the sprinkler system, unpacking and making it look like a home, and all the other fun stuff that comes with buying a new house. I'm going to go now and spend some time doing work...

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