Monday, March 28, 2005

Start of the week

We had a pretty good weekend and are now in the process of starting a new week. The kids are off for spring break which means the wife is going to have her hands full this week.

To start this wonderful Monday morning, I had to fill the gas tank on the van. I usually buy mid-grade which is up to $2.20 a gallon (it's actually $2.199 but I really don't feel that 1/10th of a penny makes a big difference.) Can't say I'm really happy about that. Gas prices are only supposed to get worse which is one of the reasons I'm glad I normally ride the bus.

Later today, I have an appointment to donate blood. I've only done it a couple of times in my life, but I am at a stage where I feel somewhat obligated to donate. I have O negative type blood. One thing that I think upsets me a little is those individuals that "donate" blood/plasma but get paid to do it. That's not a donation folks, that is a sale. Instead of saying you are "donating blood" call it what it really is, "I'm going to sell blood but call it donate because donate is a more noble word than to sell." Now, don't you feel better for being honest?

I encourage everyone to donate blood. It is a worthwile hobby and you never know what lives you may save by doing so. PLUS, there is a definate health advantage for those that donate. Not sure where I read the story, but males, of which I'm one, are actually a little healthier for donating blood on a regular basis. I know I always feel better afterwords. (Maybe its the lack of oxygen because there are less blood cells.)

For those of you interested, go to the American Red Cross donation website. They will find a blood/plasma center near you.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

They don't want my blood. I lived in a place that had "Mad Cow" disease for more that 6 months. They disqualify me for that. Which is probably good because I have a hard time giving blood when the Dr. needs it.