Friday, March 25, 2005

Work stuff

So, in my haste to concentrate solely on my personal life, I've neglected to discuss my business life. Seeing how today is the last Friday in the month of March (I know, I can't believe it's over already), I conducted a monthly inventory.

We used to do a quarterly inventory but that seemed to cause a lot of problems when you would end up with 3 pages of missing items and have to confront sales and service as to why we are missing it. I get a lot of "I don't know" or "I can't remember that far back" so I have decided, through much groaning of the masses, that we are going to do a monthly inventory.

That seems to have worked out pretty well. We get the inventory done in about 45 minutes when we do it my way compared to 1-1/2 hours the way they were doing it before. My way is easier, quicker and cause the least amount of stress. That's why they pay me to do this job...

Anyway, everytime I mention the word "Inventory" around our GM, he cringes and tries to talk me out of it. If it were up to him, inventory would be done annually and that's it. Not that he has helped with any inventories since December and this is the 3rd one since. So, needless to say, I do enjoy telling him "We are doing an inventory whether you like it or not." I've made that statement to him several times.

So, back to work. Got to go find a few products still and yell at someone as to why they are missing. I love inventories...

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