Friday, April 25, 2008

Snot Funny!

So I was thinking of something today as I was walking to the bus stop. Like most things, my mind is just weird so no comments about that because we already know.

As I was walking down the street, I like most people do at one time or another spit up mucus that originated in the nose. Now, I know this sounds gross and most people in polite society don't talk about such things, but I'm not polite and am pretty much a reject of society. It wasn't copious amounts of it, just a little bit, enough to start this internal mind dialog about the habits of humans.

Anyway, most people find it disgusting that someone, anyone, would pick their nose and eat it. I find this habit disgusting as well but started to think about what was the disgusting part. In a certain light, it is all disgusting. I've come up with a couple of possibilities why it is gross. They are:
  1. Visually seeing someone eat their own snot
  2. The taste of snot
  3. The ingestion of snot
  4. The conscious effort to eat snot
There may be other issues, but no more came up. Anyway, here is what I thought and I'm not taking these in order. Had I been smarter, I would have put the list in order but I didn't and instead of correcting it, I offer this explanation which took longer than if I just would have changed it but I digress....

First, lets deal with the taste of snot. All of us have tasted it at one point or another and no one has really gagged. Do you doubt that you have tasted it? Anyone who has spit out mucus during a cold has tasted it. Anyone who snorts inwardly to clear the sinus cavity and spit it out has tasted it. Quite honestly, I can think of many other things less desirable tasting than snot.

If its ingestion that it gross, we have all ingested it before as well. Think about the example above where you snort in to clear the sinus cavity but instead of spitting, you swallow it. Anyone who has ever had a cold has ingested mucus from the nose and throat area. So that can't be it.

It could be the conscious effort of removing something from an orifice and eating it. When you consider that you ingest/taste it without it ever leaving your body, this isn't necessarily an issue as air does not change its properties instantaneously making it something very gross. I guess actually seeing it before it goes back in could be it which leads us to the next issue.

Seeing someone pick their nose and eat it is really gross. Why? Not sure. Maybe it has to do with our need to have what other people have. Think about a restaurant. You go in, see food on other tables and say to yourself, "that looks good. Maybe I'll have that." When you think that someone is eating buggers, that thought really never enters your head.

Anyway, I bring this to light because there are certain conversations we don't have and I honestly think its because no one pushes that line. I, for one, think we need to not only cross the line, we should do so at a sprint hurling ourselves beyond that line. The grass is actually greener on the other side of that line mostly because crap exists beyond that line and crap makes a good fertilizer.

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