Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Movie Review: Roll Bounce

The movie Roll Bounce was a movie that sparked my interest when I saw the trailer on the Apple Movie Trailers website. Didn't think much about it untill Chels brought it home.

Roll Bounce is a movie about roller skating in the late 70's. A group of "south side" boys would skate at the local skating rink, but it gets closed and they now have to travel 30 miles to the next closest skating rink. This new skating rink, the Sweetwater, is a nice place where everyone in the rink knows about Sweetness, the best skater at the Sweetwater. There is a skate off competition that takes place, and while most of these feel good movies are easy to predict, Chels and I had differing opinions on how it would end, so it wasn't totally predictable. It had some long parts and there is a lot more going on than skating. Father and son have a blow out where a car gets messed up.

Minus the point where they are trying to transition the story line, and it gets a little boring, the movie is pretty good. I'm not sure that it is one that I'd rush out and get for my collection, but I would gladly watch it again if someone was renting it.

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