Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday...

I feel crappy today. Well I have a stomach that is on fire. Fire I say. The Sprite I'm drinking is helping a lot. Other than that, today has been a pretty good day. I rode the bus into work and read like 50 pages in the first Harry Potter book. I've decided to start reading them again, just for the heck of it. So it will be fun to read it. Nothing else to report, except the Song of the Day.

Today's Song of the Day comes from a new cd that I got today. Well I got it on iTunes so technically it's not really a cd. Anyway, it's by the country group called Rascal Flatts and the song is called Backwards. So you may have heard the joke, what do you get when you play a country song backwards. Well this song explains it all, even down to the dog. It's about time a country group realized that country songs are all about losing stuff.

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