Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What a far

Ok, so this has been one of those dragging days. I seem to be doing a little better now and I'm trying to put my finger on what it was. There is a break in the clouds and the sun is out, or was out for a few minutes. But since I don't really mind rain, after living in Ireland for a couple years, I don't think that really changed my mood. We just had a 10 minute visit with the baby doctor. I think that is a record, I'm contacting Guinness to see if it is a world record. The nice thing about the visit is that the doctor mentioned the change of due dates. Although most of the time you don't want a due date to change, I was excited because it put it due on my birthday. So if I hope enough, maybe it'll happen. Then I can forget my birthday, haha. That may have helped a little bit. We took a couple minutes and grabbed Chels a bite to eat and stoped for some soda's at Maverick. I got a Full Throttle Fury. Never had one of this kind before so I didn't know what to expect. But it is good. Kind of a catchy taste. I'm sure I'll have more of these. So I think it was a combination of the due date excitement, the Full Thorttle, and possibly the sun for a minute.

Now for the Song of the Day, I have had a hard time today because nothing has really struck me as being important enough or put me in a mood good enough for the Song of the Day. When Chels dropped me off I mentioned that I was listening to Avril Lavigne most of the day because she was better than what was playing on random, but nothing really struck me from that as Song of the Day material. Then right before I got out of the car, Gun's N Rose's was playing on the iPod, and I thought, 'That would be a good song for the Song of the Day'. Well when I came in I hit random again on the iTunes library and started looking for a good song. It took 3 skips to get today's Song of the Day. It is by Jack Johnson from the Curious George cd. It's called Upside Down. Probably my favorite song on that cd, even though the cd is good all the way through and has some good songs for kids. It also kind of defines the way today has felt...upside down. Got me in a good mood as I rocked out to it sitting in my cubicle. Thanks for listening.


Unknown said...

Speaking of drinks, Dr. Pepper has a new flavor. Not sure if you have seen it yet. It's berry something.... Anyway, something else to try.

Tracy said...

It's called Berry Cream and it's not good. Nic said that you shouldn't mix berries and prunes, not a good combo.