Thursday, April 06, 2006

Upon a Snowy Thursday in April

Snow sucks...have I said that before. Let spring come, please. Now I'm pleading for it. Anyway, I want to do a movie review today and I'm trying to decide if I just add it here or write a whole new blog for it. See the decisions I have to make in a day. HAHA. I think I'll write another one for the movie review and just do the Song of the Day here. I also want to talk about a cool extension I found by on Firefox for checking RSS feeds. It is called InfoRSS. If you are using this extension, shame on you for not sharing. If you don't know how to set up to get an RSS feed, let me know, I'll help where I can. Hobbes wrote about RSS in his blog a while back. Anyway, the way it works is you can set it up to automatically check on your favorite feeds to make sure you catch all the latest from you favorite RSS authors. InfoRSS takes a couple days to catch up and figure out what it is supposed to be pulling but for the most part, it's a pretty easy tool to play with. Firefox Extensions can be found here.

Now for the Song of the Day. So today I've listened to all of 5 songs with the meetings and whatnot I've had this morning, none of which have hit that status of Song of the Day. Let's play the skip till we find it. The song of the day is one that will usually point itself out within a couple of seconds of the playing of the song. So let's see how many skips it takes... Ok, I think I found it. A easy to listen to song that I think is a favorite of a lot of people. The live version, which is the actual one we are going to use, has a cool introduction. The song is by The Eagles and the song is Hotel California(Live) from the Hell Freezes Over cd. Time to chill and listen to the good music.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like the guitar intro on the song of the day. Good pick!