Thursday, April 13, 2006

Movie Review Standards

Ok, so I've started thinking about our movie review rating system and procedures. I think that is important to cover a couple of different areas. First, we should include some sort of synopsis as to what the story is about without giving away the good parts.

We should then give our assessment of the movie in our own like/didn't like, good/bad, and why type situation. As far as ratings, I think there are 2 main categories:

1. Video/Theatre - is the theatre going to make a difference in the viewing experience? In other words, what are the special effect liks and is it better to hear them on the surround sound of the theatre. Are the visuals something you HAVE to see in a theatre or is home viewing going to be enough of an experience, in other words, is it mostly the story that is entertaining vs the special effects.

2. Rent, Borrow, Own - Next would be quality of show itself. Is it a one-time view or is it something that is going to be repeatedly watched? Is it worth spending the money on or wait for some other schmuk to waste their money on it? In other words, "view it if you get an opportunity but don't waste money on it" or "good for a one time rental but not good enough to own", or lastly, "a must have for the entertainment collection."

I guess if the movie is aweful enough, it wouldn't fall into any of these categories and therefore the rating would be a "stay away because its a waste of time, money, energy, film and should be banned from existance and the writers/director should be drug out in the street and flocked." I've heard that Gigli measures up to that standard but haven't had a desire to check it out.

So, there's my ideas. We can refine if you think it might be necessary but here again are the basics:
1. Brief synopsis
2. Personal evaluation
3. Rating of home vs. theatre
4. Rating of own, rent, or borrow.

Let me know what you think.

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