Thursday, April 14, 2005

Blah, Blah, Blah

I posted a pretty good blog earlier about Michael Savage, a radio DJ I listen to occasionally, but for some reason, it didn't post. So, I guess it wasn't meant to be.

The reason I bring it up is that he had said some stuff last night that got me thinking while I was driving around doing a stock up grocery trip. But, as the moment is gone and I really don't want to go over that stuff again at the moment, I will talk about shopping.

So, we went and spent a few hundred yesterday getting essential supplies; toilet paper, paper towels, food, new leather straps to tie up the kids since they chewed through the old ones, you know, normal essentials.

It is amazing how much things are these days. I started thinking about some stuff I talked about with some older people, retired-type individuals. A lot of people had been able to live with a single-income household with kids. Now, I'm not exactly certain why it cost more to live. I mean, when cost of living goes up, incomes generally follow so I make considerably more than they did but it costs me more for a loaf of bread, if that makes any sense.

Maybe its because we have more to spend money on or some things increased more than they should have. I used to hear where you could go to the matinee for $0.25. A ticket to a show costs around $7. $7!?!?! What is up with that?!?

They also didn't have much in the way of entertainment stuff like we do. I mean, they had fun with a stick and a tire. We have Nintendo, Playstation, computers, internet, DVD's, CD's, etc. That takes a big chunk out of the wallet also.

I'm thinking we've outgrown ourselves. We've made it too expensive to live. Groceries, for example, cost a lot of money. I have a pretty good amount set aside for groceries and we have learned to live on it. I mentioned to someone what my budget was and they were amazed that it was so low. Not that we eat extremely healthy at all, but we eat. We are trying to improve that because we should be eating better which means groceries will cost more.

Anyway, that's my rant and rave for the moment. I'll have something else to complain about later.

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