Thursday, April 14, 2005


It's quiet in my house. Very quiet. I don't know quite what to do with myself. Tracy started something on Tuesday that I've kept going and it is wonderful. He made the kids lay down for rest time. Now I know that sounds like I never made them have rest time but I did. I just made them get their pillows and watch PBS. Jarik would fall asleep but Tiaree would never even close her eyes. She is so dang stubborn. I don't know why it never clicked but when she doesn't have the t.v. to watch, she goes to sleep. Amazing. Then she is happier and I am happier and I have some nice quiet time in the afternoon. It's great. So I thank Tracy for showing me something that I should have been doing for months now. THANK YOU!!!

Dang it, as I'm writing this, Tiaree came wandering out. Today it didn't work. I knew it was too good to be true. I made her go lay back down but I bet she won't go to sleep now. Stupid luck anyway. Oh well. It was nice while it lasted.

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