Monday, April 04, 2005


As we all know, kids can be very entertaining. Sometimes they don't realize it and when something happens that causes them to be upset, you can't help but laugh out loud. Friday night was just such an event.

We were driving around Salt Lake to run errands. We were stopped at a stoplight. We were sitting there waiting to make a left-hand turn when I noticed the Little Caesar's character standing on the corner waving at passing vehicles. It was actually a person in a costume for those of you that couldn't figure that part out but anyway, there he was waving.

I called back to my kids and said, "Wave to the Little Caesar mascot." We made the left-hand turn and we were on our way to the next stop light when my 4-year old starts crying. The conversation goes as follows:

Dad: "What's the matter?"
Nicole: "I didn't get to wave...." (more crying)
Dad: (laughs) "That's ok, baby. You can wave to the guy standing on the next corner, Ok?"
Nicole: "Ok." (Sobs but crying is gone)

So, as we started driving again, I said, "Ok, wave." I think she did but didn't look back to check. She seemed content for the rest of the ride to our destination. I did check the mirror and the guy continued on his journey unaware that a 4-year old child had waved to him in substitution for the Little Caesar's mascot.

4-year old content, major catastrophy averted, life is good.

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