Wednesday, April 20, 2005

OK, Time to Post

Well Tuesday is half over, well more than half. I found a new sport or game that is a lot of fun. We, Harold, Jerry, and I, didn't have any racquetballs last night so we played ping pong. It was pretty fun. I didn't think that you could work up a sweat playing ping pong, but I did. Of course the heat was on and it got pretty hot, so that may have been a factor. Anyway, it was fun. Harold pretty much ran the table last night, Jerry and I won a few.

Today I ate a fortune cookie and instead of a fortune I got a deep thought. This thought actually made me worry. Here is what the fortune said There is a true and sincere friendship between you both. Now, imagine you order chinese food and you get this so called fortune. Now you have a couple things to worry about, either you are going to spend loads of cash seeking the best shrink to help with your voices, or you can finally come to grips that your voices aren't that bad, come on admit it, you have voices that you talk to daily. They keep you company, at least mine keep me company. hahahahaha! I guess you could be out to diner with that someone special and then alls well.

In Sports Today: The Mets won big yesterday and today they play Florida. The Jazz play their last game of the 2004-2005 season. Finally, the wound will stop bleeding.

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