Thursday, April 21, 2005

My World In a Minute....

Well, ok.. It may be longer or shorter than a minute depending on how fast you read. I know it'll take me longer than a minute to type the post, mostly because it seems that every third key or so is the delete key.

Life has been interesting. I have tried to post a couple of times, but the blogger website kept giving me an internal server error. I got one after I had typed a post and then couldn't get back in to repost.

The last time I logged onto the dashboard, or tried to logon, I got another error. At least it happened before I typed anything effectively saving me the time of typing. So, onto the post....

Life has been interesting for us. After Holly and Co. left, we have been trying to pick up the pieces and clean up the house. Unfortunately, we have had a lot of demands on our time making it difficult to get a whole lot done.

Mason got into another fight in school the other day. He was suspended from his class for the remainder of that day. Not entirely sure what happened because his teacher got it second hand and Mason tells his side. So, I hope that he was confronting the bully instead of BEING the bully.

Aurora is doing well with her violin. She played for her grandmother last night and did pretty good for a 1st year. If she practices more, she will be very good at it. Now if I can get her to be an effective "bedroom cleaner" life would be grand.

Nicole had her pictures done last night. We get kids pictures done every year and last night was her pictures for her 4th year (can't believe she's 4, but well go with those figures until I can prove them wrong.)

Jayna is effectively a nieusance. She gets into anything she can. AND she gets mad when you stop her. Sometimes she doesn't because something else has caught her eye and she now has a new focus for trouble.

So, that's the update on the kids. Life is pretty good because, well, they are all healthy and alive. We have a lot to accomplish around the house and things are going slow but we are going to try to get a better handle on the things that need to be done. Hopefully we can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon.

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