Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Daylight Savings Time

Last Sunday at around 2am, we started Daylight Savings Time. In my opinion, one of the most outdated, antiquated things we do. The whole idea of Daylight Savings Time is to save on the burning of candles by shifting the time so that the sunrise is more in line with the feeding of barn animals.

Now, I'm pretty sure that I don't have to get up and feed barn animals and I also am not concerned about burning too many candles. The whole idea of "Saving" daylight is rediculous anyway. I mean, come on! Where would you save it?

I think daylight savings should be done away with for several reasons.

  1. Throws off our timing. We may gain an hour in the fall, but we definately pay for it in the spring. Why in the world would we want to confuse everything by changing the clocks backwards or forwards? Aren't our lives confusing enough as it is?

  2. Saving Candles.I don't know too many people that still burn candles for light. Candles are more for fun or when the power goes out. I don't go through a lot of candles so I don't think this is a major concern.

  3. Changing Clocks.I always hate remembering to change my clock. Since I don't watch a lot of TV or get the newspaper, I have to rely on word-of-mouth for time changes. I usually am told during the week but the time doesn't change until Sunday morning at like 2am. Why? If we are going to do this, I'd rather have it done at noon. That way, I can have lunch twice.

Just a couple of thoughts. I think we should start a petition and do away with this event. I could go for, instead of repeating an hour, repeating a day. Twice a year, we have 2 Saturdays in a row instead of two 2am on Sunday morning. That sounds better to me.

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