Monday, August 08, 2005

I Finally Finished HP

I liked it, espically at the end when Harry kills Ron for snogging wiht Luna. Haha, just kidding, that would never happen...Ron wouldn't snog Luna. Anyway, I was mostly impressed with the book, J.K. Rowling did a good job and getting into the hearts of the readers and helps you live in Hogwarts with some of them. I find myself getting excited about the Quidditch matches and what is going to happen in the next class with Snape. I'm not going to write anything that gives anything away, and B, if you were talking about me telling you something, sorry, didn't mean too. Anyway, there was one part of the book that had to fit in there but for me got really boring and seemed that all Harry, Ron, and Hermione were going to do is fight about one thing or another. But that was only for a couple chapters and then it all seemed to clear up. Anyway, I liked the book and will be reading the whole series again once the last one gets closer to coming out. If the dumb author would get off her butt and work...haha. Ok, well there are my opinions for the person who hasn't read it and I have my speculations as does everyone, but I'm not going to start doing it now because it would give some stuff away. Laters!


Unknown said...

It wasn't you. It was the OTHER brother. He knows who he is..... Don't you? His name is very similar to the main character of the book.

(No, not Albus.. The other one.)

Anonymous said...
