Friday, August 26, 2005

New Trained Cashier ... sort of.

I have officially finished 12 hours of training and will probably be on my own for the most part on Saturday. I've done fairly well, or so I've been told. There are a few issues though.

On Wednesday, I trained with Chris who trained a certain way and on Thursday with Brett who was different in a lot of respects. Both were / are front end managers or supervisors so they should know what they are doing. BUT, there are little things that are different that have thrown off my timing on certain things.

Not to mention, the closing manager the last 2 nights keeps coming over and offering "other" advice or getting mad at my trainers for not "properly" training me.

For example, there is a way to move the groceries called the pass method (which I do and am comfortable with) where you pick up the item with your right, sweep it across the scanner to your left which then sends it to the bagger. It is called the pass because the item passes from the right hand to the left hand.

The way the front-end manager decided I needed to do it (last night at 9:45 when I leave at 10:00) is called the swim method. That is where you grab one item with the left, sweep it across the scanner into the bag while you grab an item with your right hand. Then you sweep the item in your right hand across the scanner into the bag while you grab another item with your left hand. (I tried this and I drowned.)

So, she comes over, tells me she's going to check and for me to watch her. Brett, who had listened to her, disagreed with her on the method. So, with both of us watching, the Front-End manager had someone with several of the yogurt cups come through. She did a combination swim and pass method alternating methods between cups.

When she was done, both Bret and I commented on her pass method by which her reply was that she did not use the pass method but used the swim method.

Needless to say, this is getting more confusing. Hopefully, now that I am trained (for the most part) they will back off and let me do the job. I'm not interested in getting the best stats, the best times, the best methods, etc. I'm interested in doing a good job in which they pay me to do. We will see what happens over the next few weeks.

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