Thursday, August 04, 2005


Well, today being Thursday means we are one day closer to the weekend than we were yesterday. It is the gateway to Friday just as the previous Thursdays have been. The days and weeks just roll on faster and faster. Things just build momentum and before you know it, you are well into a new month.

Today is just one of those days. You realize that you no longer worry about the date because the day of the week is more important. You don't normally watch a calendar on a regular basis unless you have a special event coming up. You refer to days as Monday or Tuesday and when pressed about the actual date, you have to concentrate really hard or refer to a calendar or you computer.

Anyway, that's my ramble for the day.

For fun stuff, I finished my library book and now have started on HP6. I've just finished through chapter 3 of 30. Things are pretty exciting thus far. So, don't post any spoilers as comments. I've already received one and am not happy about that. (For the person that released that info, if you read this, you know who you are and what you said. Shame.....)

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