Friday, August 19, 2005

UPDATE: 1st Interview

So, apparently Albertson's either moves really quick, or they are in dire need of employees. I have been hired tentative to my drug test. (I keep thinking the answer on #3 was C but I marked B.) Anyway, we'll see how it turned out.

I have orientation, if that is the case, on Tuesday. She was thinking of starting to train me on Saturday (REALLY QUICK) and luckily, she has someone else to train this weekend. So, next stop, I need more pants.

The "uniform" is beige pants, an Albertson's shirt and Apron. They supply shirt and apron. So, once she calls to say that I passed my drug test, I have to fill out more paperwork, then I can go and get more pants. How cool is that?

Well, have a good weekend.

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