Saturday, March 15, 2008

Good Morning

So I had a long night with the dog. He hit his normal un-drugged around 3am. Which means all he did was pace. The dog has so much energy that he has to constatnly be moving, even after playing fetch for like 2 hours one day, he didn't crash like Zoey did. He's a crazy dog.

Speaking of crazy, on a totally different note, my wife is. She is in love with this twilight series of books. I think love is the wrong word for it, it's on a level with serious obsession. The saddest part about this whole thing is that she's not the only woman in her age that are infatuated with this series, she says there are 1560 of these "stalking fans" on this one website. I've read the book, the first one, and I wasn't all that impressed, I was waiting for more action. For a forbidden love story with vampires in it, there isn't much action. Even when Bella, the main character is in trouble, you don't get much action. Like a climax in the book, the story talks about her passing out rather than what they did to the bad guy, you know the good old fight scene. Anyway, she's not dumb, she's just found something to really get into and like, that a lot of other women have enjoyed too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's probably my fault. My daughter loaned the book to your wife.

My wife and daughter are both fanatics about certain books or series. I know how you must feel.

I think that some of these books is like crack to them.