Tuesday, March 04, 2008

If I had a million dollars.....

This is a statement commonly used with kids in junior high or high school. If you had a million dollars or were independently wealthy, what would you do with your life? The answer to that question would be what you should go into for your work or employment. It would be the "ideal" job for you.

I'm not sure if anyone that reads this has been asked that question or has ever thought about it. We all have our dream jobs in one way or another. This question is meant to get you to think about life. What you would do for a career, not just Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm, but what career would be part of your being.

I've asked myself that question many times through my life and each time the answer varies a bit but there is one answer that has popped up more than once in different forms. Of course, I've had my periods where I wanted to be a police officer or a soldier or some other type of "hero" position. There is one answer that really made me think enough to form a goal. I've talked about it before but have never been really serious about it until just recently.

The last time I asked myself that question, my answer was to stay at home with the kids and home school them. To be a part of their academic lives, take them on field trips, teach them, show them all of the stuff I feel that they are lacking. I've joked with Aurora many times about getting my teaching degree and getting hired on in whatever school she was in. She scoffed at it as though she would be totally embarrassed to be a teacher's child but every once in a while she would make mention of it.

So, I've decided that I need to get my teaching degree. Not sure how long it will take or when I will start but since I officially made the decision today, I'm sure I will take the time to figure it out. I'm not sure which subject(s) I will teach, but I'm sure it is something that I would really like to do. I love all subjects and just need to get started.

I've thought about this before but by making a public declaration, I am one step closer to that goal. I will figure out how to do it and make a living at it even if it kills me. Anyway, I wanted to share so that those of you that know me beyond the computer can kick me in the butt to make it happen.

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